Oops I Farted!
Oops I farted, oops I burped. George and Harold, funny funny every day. Starting to get hungry, let's have lunch
together. My mom makes best soup. It's #1 in the world. It has a secret thing in there that makes me happy. Potato,
onion, carrot, eggplant, Cabbage, soybean, garlic, ginger.
Oops I farted , oops I burped. George and Harold like
to eat every day. Starting to get hungry, let's have dinner together. My mom is the best cook. She's #1 in the
world. It is smells so good. Makes me happy. Spaghetti, meat sauce, meatloaf, beef stew, Mashed potato, gravy,
pork chops, corn bread. Oops I farted , oops I burped.
My dad cooks sometimes. It's not like my mom does. But
always fun to watch him, and always I have to help him. Grilled cheese sandwich, omelet, hashed browns. hot dog,
BBQ, macaroni cheese. Oops I farted , oops I burped.
Talking Toilets Coming Soon! Behind this door is an army of evil vicious talking toilets. Run away,
run away, “yum, yum, Eat ‘em up,” toilets chanted.
Run to the school’s kitchen, smells
like tomorrow’s lunch. Large vat of green and sludgy, slingshot at talking toilets.
“Run away, run
away!”, came from inside Patsy 2000. Big trouble, very serious, Talking Toilets Coming Soon!
terrible CRASH! Turbo Toilet 2000. Captain underpants leaped on to the Turbo Toilet, fighting for truth and justice.
trouble, very serious, Turbo Toilet 2000 ate Captain Underpants. Run away, run away. We believe in pants power.
away, run away. Please, please save Captain Underpants. George and Harold save the world again.
Run away… Big