1. Count the number of words on each page of the web site.
2. Try to read each page backwards.
3. Write a dissertation on this web sites' use of verb & adjective conjugation.
4. Cut and paste all the text from each page into your word processor to double check
our spelling.
5. Conduct a controlled experiment by showing your dog the Dogzilla page and then seeing
if its behavior changes during the next few months.
6. Start a teachers lounge discussion about the potential enormous sociological effects
of letting kids look at Dav's web site.
7. Calculate the average number of text characters per page on this web site.
8. Calculate the probability of Dav's web site being updated on every third Wednesday
during months that contain thirty one days.
9. Stare at this web site long enough until you can clearly see your computer monitor
refreshing. Hint: It looks like a real fast flicker.
10. Time how quickly you can click through all the pages on this site. Try to beat your
record each day and compete with your friends.